Blend Up a Detox Delight: Steps to Create Charcoal Powder Smoothies!

You might be wondering, why are we using activated charcoal in a smoothie recipe? Isn’t that used for poison victims? It’s true. It’s so powerful that in hospitals they often use large amounts of activated charcoal to help people who’ve ingested something harmful. But in much smaller amounts, charcoal is a great detoxant for regular (NON-poisoning!) use. It pulls toxins from our digestive tract, including chemicals that we ingest (not on purpose, but inevitably in our polluted and chemical-laden world).



There are various ways to incorporate charcoal powder into smoothies for detoxification benefits. Here are a few methods that you can try:

Basic Charcoal Smoothie:

Blend together 1 cup of your favorite fruits (such as berries, bananas, or mango), 1 cup of leafy greens (spinach, kale), 1 tablespoon of charcoal powder, and 1 cup of liquid (water, coconut water, or almond milk).

 You can also add natural sweeteners like dates or honey for taste if desired.

Superfood Charcoal Smoothie:

 Blend together 1 cup of mixed berries, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder, 1 tablespoon of charcoal powder, a handful of spinach, and 1 cup of your preferred liquid.

 Optionally, you can add a scoop of plant-based protein powder for added benefits.

Creamy Charcoal Smoothie:

 Blend together 1 ripe avocado, 1 tablespoon of charcoal powder, 1 cup of coconut water or almond milk, 1 tablespoon of nut butter (such as almond or cashew), and a handful of spinach.

 Optional add-ins include a teaspoon of vanilla extract or a tablespoon of cacao powder for flavor 

 Detoxifying Charcoal Green Smoothie:

Blend together 1 cup of cucumber, 1 cup of pineapple chunks, 1 tablespoon of charcoal powder, a handful of parsley, a handful of kale or spinach, and 1 cup of coconut water or water.

Charcoal Berry Boost Smoothie Bowl:

Blend together 1 cup of mixed berries, 1 frozen banana, 1 tablespoon of charcoal powder, and 1 cup of coconut water or almond milk until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with your favorite toppings like sliced fruits, shredded coconut, chia seeds, and granola.


 In conclusion, incorporating charcoal powder smoothies into your detoxification routine can provide numerous benefits for your overall well-being. Whether you are seeking to improve digestion, enhance skin health, or remove toxins from your body, charcoal powder smoothies offer a natural and effective solution. To learn more and purchase charcoal powder for your smoothies, please visit here.